September is here! Back to School; Back to Fitness!
If you’re in Business, it’s the last quarter, and hopefully the best quarter, am I right? Why wait for September to get back into routine? This August I got a head start on both my business and my fitness. I attended a great business conference in Dallas, TX and managed to keep up with my workouts! Most of what kept me going was finding new and exciting inspiration. What keeps you inspired? Going for a run, lifting weights, seeing someone succeed, or a watching a loved one thrive? Or perhaps going to a Conference.
After Labour Day weekend means getting back into routine. Kids to the bus and you to your workouts!
In the summer, we’re more prone to heading outdoors every chance we get and finding adventures! The fall and winter means less spontaneous outbursts outdoors, less breaks from work. I hope you got to enjoy the summer, by taking time off work. How did you feel in your swimsuit? Hopefully fabulous, because you are!
If, however, you would like a confidence booster in that next to nothing suit, I’ve got a September Kickstart to get you ready for next summer. Do 1 set of 15 Squats which according to this article from PubMed will help keep your knees healthy by improving muscle in your legs and bum (pictured far left) followed by 1 set of 15 Burpees which are a great way to improve stamina (pictured top right), then 15 Pushups which could be labeled the perfect exercise in this article by WebMD which can help tone your arms and abs (pictured bottom right).
Do these 3 exercises 3 times a day. Track your progress with how your clothes fit, or how much you weigh, a waist measurement, the time it takes you to complete the workout and/or how you feel. Choose one or all the ways to keep track. Do this workout 3 times a week for 6 weeks and let me know how it went.
If something hurts or doesn’t feel right or if you have questions before you get started, please call me at 778-877-2847 or email me at You can also ask your doctor or naturopath if these exercises are ok for you. You can be a new exerciser or an elite athlete to do these exercises. Modifications are encouraged! Especially if it feels too easy or too hard, or if something hurts or doesn’t feel right.
Let me know if you accept the challenge and I can add you to an accountability group. This will help you stay motivated on the days you don’t want to workout. Good luck!