1. Weight Training Gives You More Confidence
Lifting weights improves your muscular strength, mental strength, and posture. These are three great ways to improve your confidence. Women are still the minority when it comes to business. Women underestimate their abilities. Sound familiar?
2. Weight Training Improves Physical & Mental Strength
Increase your muscle mass to increase your strength both physically and mentally as mentioned earlier. Improved core strength protects your back form injury. Tasks become easier, whether it’s an everyday chore or a life changing event.
3. Weight Training Gives You Focus
Boost your brain health by creating new neural pathways, and increase oxygen and blood flow to the brain by doing different movements in the gym. Johns Hopkins School of Education did a research study on kids with ADHD and an exercise program called Brain Gym. The study showed that physical movement helps kids reduce frustration and increase focus during tasks performed with their families. With increased focus comes increased productivity at work. Free up your brain power by training your muscles to move better so that instead of using brain power for movement you can use it to make better decisions in your business.
4. Weight Training is Great Self Care
It is important to look after yourself and your health. Women are less likely to take care of themselves after having kids because they tend to put the needs of the kids, spouse, and business ahead of their own. Be sure to make time for the gym to look after yourself and your health and then your family and business will reap the benefits. It’s also setting a great example to your children and your staff to create a healthy lifestyle.
5. Weight Training Reduces the Number of Sick Days
Decrease the number of illnesses and diseases, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, and diabetes. Weight lifting improves your cardiovascular system to produce more white blood cells to fight diseases. Less sick days is definitely better for your business!
6. Weight Training Improves Sleep
Make your muscles work hard at the gym to help you sleep at night. Having a good night sleep is important to be alert for the next day. Your body and brain will recover better if you get a good night sleep.
7. Weight Training Decreases Stress
We all have stress in our lives and it is important to have a way to get rid of this stress. Weight lifting is perfect! Get a good sweat on and release those feel good endorphins. This will improve your mood as well. Instead of flipping over your desk, take a break and hit the gym.
8. Weight Training Helps with Weight Management
Our bodies are a ratio of fat mass (body fat) and fat free mass (muscle, bone, blood, organs). The less muscle we have, the more fat we have. If you increase your muscle mass will decrease your body fat. Weight lifting is the best way to increase muscle and will give you a nice toned look to your body as well. Don’t worry, you lack the testosterone to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger.
9. Weight Training Reduces Injury
When your muscles are strong around your joints, will take pressure off of the joint. Muscles protect your joints from injury and will improve its function as well. Increasing muscle mass also improves bone density to reduce risk of bone fractures and likelihood of osteoporosis.
10. Weight Training is Time Efficient
Lifting weights in the gym for 30 minutes is better use of your time than running for 1 hour because you can do a full body workout that improves your cardio, flexibility, strength and endurance in all major muscle groups. You will also burn more calories when you are not working out because muscle helps you burn calories during your day. However if you enjoy running for exercise and you feel good, that is what you should focus on with weight training between runs.