How are you going to spend your Canada Day long weekend? Are you going to drink your face off or do some outdoor activities with your family and friends? There are lots of adventures you can do, especially if you live in beautiful Vancouver! This Canada Day I challenge you to refrain from day drinking […]
Bike To Work Week
Biking to work is a great way to stay active in your day, save money on gas and parking, and help the environment by reducing toxins. Last week was Bike to Work week in Vancouver (May 28th to June 3rd). Do you ride your bike to work? Here are some upcoming […]
Invitation to ValUfitness Open House
Invitation to ValUftness Open House/Client Appreciation Party! Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you were to increase your fitness? What it would be like to have more energy, look better in clothes, and to beam with confidence? Well beam me up Scotty, today is your lucky day! This Saturday I am […]
Take a hike!
Do you love hiking as much as I do? It’s the best! I love being in nature, feeling my heart pounding, sweat dripping and legs burning. After the challenge of the hike both mentally and physically, standing at the top, when the grind is over. Taking in the beautiful scenery that can only […]
Back to school, Back to fitness!
September is here! Back to School; Back to Fitness! If you’re in Business, it’s the last quarter, and hopefully the best quarter, am I right? Why wait for September to get back into routine? This August I got a head start on both my business and my fitness. I attended a great business conference in Dallas, […]