Here is a list on the most nutrient dense foods that you can donate to the food bank. It includes: Grains Oatmeal (regular-no added sugar) Pot barley Whole grain high-fibre bran cereal Whole grain pasta or brown rice Protein Canned salmon or tuna Peanut butter Canned or dry beans (chickpeas, lentils, kidney beans) Nuts (unsalted) […]
Get ready for the Holidays!
Get ready for the Holidays by adding a gym routine to prevent weight gain. Do you know that people gain the most weight annually during October to January? Here is a study from Pub Med that proves it. It’s because of all those damn holidays! Don’t get me wrong, I love the holidays. An excuse […]
Take a hike!
Do you love hiking as much as I do? It’s the best! I love being in nature, feeling my heart pounding, sweat dripping and legs burning. After the challenge of the hike both mentally and physically, standing at the top, when the grind is over. Taking in the beautiful scenery that can only […]